“This Green Iora (Aegithina viridissima viridissima) is not uncommon but hard to observe well, as it is a high canopy species. It only comes lower down when part of mixed foraging party (bird wave) of which it is a common participant in the lowland jungle. A social bird, often found in as a family group or a social group of 5-6 birds.

“The commonest foraging technique is to explore under leaves for caterpillars, other invertebrates and insects. Caterpillars are the commonest prey I have seen taken (numerous observations) but winged insects and spiders are readily accepted.

“It will also eat fruit especially that of the Common Mahang (Macaranga bancana).

“With caterpillars, they are often well processed and branch swiped.”
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
16th August 2018
Location: Kledang-Sayong Forest Reserve, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Habitat: Forest reserve/primary jungle