Forest Ang was in Butterworth Town, Penang, Malaysia recently and sent in this account:
“Took these interesting “raiders” in Butterworth, Penang today. First, I saw a crow pecking on a sack on a lorry waiting for the traffic light to turn green (above). Note the traffic lights. Then I saw a pigeon or two partially hidden. And just as the traffic turned green, crows and pigeons started to fly off the lorry (below).
“Ha, ha, so the birds are robbing the grains (I presume) from the lorry. Very smart indeed. I think they have been doing this quite often judging by the pecking by the crow. They just knew which lorry to “rob”.
“That crow pecked to open a hole on the sack. As for the pigeons, I didn’t have any chance to see what they were doing.”
We have an earlier report of Mynas scavenging from trash trucks at the traffic light junction in Singapore…HERE.
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