“My wife and I were out cycling in the city when we spotted a pair of Brahminy Kites (Haliastur indus intermedius) circling a tall building (about 7.40am).
“Resident Brahminy Kites in the city have slowly increased over the years and I have seen them perched on high rise buildings.
“What was unusual about this pair was that they were continually circling the building (above). Not above the building but around the building.
“Often their wings almost brushed the walls of the building (above). One bird left twice and returned shortly but we did not see any prey or nesting material. They circled more than 30 times and when we left were still at it. Not once did they alight on the building structure.
“We considered a number of possibilities:
1. They were upset at the reflection of themselves in the (above) glass and were responding territorially? They did look at themselves in the glass but this was only occasionally and generally ignored the glass image.
2. They were considering nesting on the building? I have not been able to find any reports of this and have not personally seen any such nesting. There are many large trees in the area (and city in general) so unlikely.
“I am fairly sure this is a resident pair and not migrants.
“Appreciate any opinions or insights into this behaviour.
“Will attempt to check out the roof of this building this week (if allowed up there).”
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
8th August 2015
Location: Ipoh City, Perak, Malaysia
Habitat: Urban environment