“I met 7-8 Crested Partridges (Rollulus rouloul) today. I had walked in 2 km on a less used trail along primary jungle. I was watching some migratory flycatchers feed on fruit for quite some time and when I turned around, about 1.5-2 meters behind me, were 7-8 of these delightful partridges. There were 2 males, at least one immature and the rest appeared to be females or immature.
“They were located behind a screen of foliage and ran about fast chuckling like hens. Views were excellent, especially of the males with crests extended fully forwards.
“Despite my presence, they continued in their behaviour. One male would charge the other with wings spread out. This was followed by a chase and a repeat of the charging behaviour. At the end of the display I had the distinct impression that one male ‘shepherded’ the others away.
“My camera could not focus on any (too near, low light, foliage) and all images were blur. I could have pushed for some better images but it would have only frightened them.
“Moments like these are what bird watching is all about.
“In lieu of photographs, I have attached a colour plates by Henrik Grönvold from volume 3 of Robinson & Chasen, Birds of Malay Peninsula Vols 1-4 (1927-1939). These volumes are out of print but available on line for download.”
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
3rd October 2014
Location: Kledang-Sayong Forest Reserve, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Habitat: A trail through primary jungle
Red Data: Near Threatened
One Response
We have one or two partridges living in our garden for about 2 years. They give out their characterisitic raucous long call early in the morning but are not seen much the rest of the day.