“Had an opportunity to watch Striated Swallows (Hirundo striolata badia) up close, preening with many calls (above, below). [Please note: This species is now known as Rufous-bellied Swallow (Cecropis badia), an endemic to the Thai-Malay Peninsula – see comment by Subaraj Rajathurai below.]
“Calls were predominantly the tremulous “schwirrrr” HERE and waveforms/sonograms below.
“…and a sharp “cheenk” or “tweep” HERE and waveforms/sonograms below. (see David Wells 2007).
“The video shows some of these calls but is soft.
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
31th August 2014
Location: Tambun Interior, Perak, Malaysia
Habitat: Orchards, fish farming, ex-mining pools, limestone hills
2 responses
Hi. For consistency and because we follow Robson, this swallow is now split and an endemic to the Thai-Malay Peninsula. It is called the Rufous-bellied Swallow (Cecropis badia).
Noted. See text above.