Blue-eared Kingfisher

YC Wee
on 10th April 2018

“An immature female Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting meninting) with close to adult plumage, developing the ‘blue-ear’ plumage. “Note white tip to the bill and some rufous behind the eye that […]

YC Wee
on 22nd March 2018

“Saw the immature female Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting meninting) a few days earlier but in much darker conditions (ISO used for images was 20,000). I was watching it forage from […]

YC Wee
on 29th October 2016

“A comparison of an immature male (top, from an earlier time) with immature female (bottom) Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting meninting). “The bill colour differences are a useful ID. “Although it […]

YC Wee
on 8th October 2016

“Note the white tip to the bill and rufous behind the eye (not ‘blue-eared’) that support the immature status of the Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting meninting). “The coral-red, especially to […]

YC Wee
on 20th February 2014

Raptors and owls regularly cast pellets. Other than these groups of birds, kingfishers, bee-eaters, herons and shrikes similarly do so. These are carnivorous birds that swallow their prey together with […]


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