Yellow-vented Flowerpecker

YC Wee
on 16th December 2018

Sarcotheca monophylla or Belimbing Pipit, with a female Lesser Green Leafbird feeding on the fruits. One of the favourite fruit trees in the forest for many birds is Sarcotheca monophylla, […]

YC Wee
on 18th August 2018

An earlier post dealt with a family group of Blue-winged Leafbirds (Chloropsis cochinchinensis moluccensis) feeding on the nectar and fruits of the Malayan Mistletoe (Dendrophthae pentandra) at the fringe of […]

YC Wee
on 27th January 2017

“Yellow-vented Flowerpeckers (Dicaeum chrysorrheum chrysorrheum) (above) are reported by some as primarily frugivorous (Wells 2007); others note also nectar and beetles in its diet (Cheke & Mann, HBW 2017). I […]

YC Wee
on 28th January 2014

“The climbing fig plant, Ficus villosa, has pear-shaped orange figs 8 mm diameter. A favourite with many birds including this Yellow-vented Flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum chrysorrheum).” Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS Ipoh, […]


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