Yellow-bellied Bulbul

YC Wee
on 21st February 2018

“A deeper forest bulbul, the Yellow-bellied Bulbul (Alophoixus phaeocephalus diardi), often alone; here seen feeding and singing. The subspecies A. p. diardi has a clear/noticeable yellow tip to the tail […]

YC Wee
on 15th October 2017

“Was fortunate to come across a pair of Yellow-bellied Bulbuls (Alophoixus phaeocephalus phaeocephalus) feeding a juvenile (above, below). “The adults were feeding on purple berries from a creeper (below)… “…but […]

YC Wee
on 4th July 2017

I have been trying for weeks to document the bird/s that pick the small red fruits of my Synsepalum dulcificum, commonly known as Miracle Fruit or Flavour Berry without success, […]

YC Wee
on 2nd February 2016

“An uncommon bulbul, the Yellow-bellied Bulbul (Alophoixus phaeocephalus phaeocephalus), to see and is considered vulnerable locally (see DR Wells 2007). A pair came to feeding on a fruiting Ficus villosa.” […]


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