White-rumped Shama

YC Wee
on 21st August 2019

“At about 1500 hours on 10th August 2019, I was at Venus Loop, Windsor Nature Park observing a Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius) singing away and hopping from branch to branch. […]

YC Wee
on 10th October 2018

“Had an opportunity to observe a pair of White-rumped Shamas (Copsychus malabaricus mallopercnus) early in the morning in a fairly dark environment; although they would come out occasionally to catch […]

YC Wee
on 23rd September 2018

“Went back to observe a pair of White-rumped Shamas (Copsychus malabaricus mallopercnus); again only possible early in the morning in a fairly dark environment. “They were both perched on branches […]

YC Wee
on 2nd April 2017

“Way back in 2015, I was fortunate to be alone with this White-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus) for about 30 minutes. “It didn’t mind my presence at all. “I took a […]


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