White-browed Crake

YC Wee
on 3rd December 2019

“I met a pair of very accommodating White-browed Crakes (Porzana cinerea) today and was able to spend a long time watching and recording different calls. “Some observations about plumage; a […]

YC Wee
on 4th December 2016

“When these shy White-browed Crake (Porzana cinerea) offer opportunities, I am grateful to receive them. The 4 of the 6 birds were very accommodating. I had extended observations, including many […]

YC Wee
on 4th August 2014

“The calls of the White-browed Crake (Porzana cinerea) (above) are inadequately documented in my region (Wells 1999). I have heard at least 5 different calls, but documentation of them has […]

YC Wee
on 1st August 2014

“When these shy White-browed Crake (Porzana cinerea) offer opportunities, I am grateful to receive them. Four of the six birds were very accommodating. I had extended observations, including many preening […]


Overall visits (since 2005)

Clustrmaps (since 2016)