Streaked Spiderhunter

YC Wee
on 8th April 2019

“Spiderhunters have long tubular tongues used to suck nectar into the mouth. “The above image shows a Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna musarum) using its long tongue to explore for insects, […]

YC Wee
on 13th January 2019

“My wife and I were at a hilltop cottage, standing on a platform extended out, overlooking both primary jungle as well as some flowers/bushes planted around the cottage. We had […]

YC Wee
on 6th December 2018

“Wells (2007) states that ‘For a species so regularly using hill-station garden habitat, flower-visiting behaviour is seriously under reported‘. I have seen Streaked Spiderhunters (Arachnothera magna musarum) feed on a […]

YC Wee
on 1st December 2018

“The Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna musarum) is extremely common and easy to observe at this hill station. We saw Streaked Spiderhunters feeding on a wide range of nectar sources, occasionally […]

YC Wee
on 14th May 2014

“Streaked Spiderhunters (Arachnothera magna) are common at this hill station and often seen foraging for insects or nectar from flowers, especially the inflorescence of banana plants. We saw two high […]


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