Rosy Starling

YC Wee
on 19th October 2016

Tony Chua documented a Rosy Starling (Sturnus roseus) eating an Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) fruit at Gardens by the Bay. It picked up the fruit from the palm, swallowed it […]

YC Wee
on 15th October 2016

The latest version of Plant-Bird Relationship LINK lists 17 species of birds that feed on the Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) fruits. These include 1 barbet, 2 bulbuls, 2 crows, 1 […]

YC Wee
on 1st October 2016

“While many birders are currently rushing down to shoot the rare visitor, the male Rosy Starling (Sturnus roseus), at Gardens by the Bay (above), most are unknowingly missing that rare […]


Overall visits (since 2005)

Clustrmaps (since 2016)