“The calls of the common Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus malaccensis) are under-recorded. I saw a pair courting today with the presumed male, excited, with a cocked tail and all […]
A pair of adult Eurasian Tree-sparrows (Passer montanus), together with a trailing fledgling, attracted my attention by latter’s soft begging cries. The fledgling must have just left the nest as […]
It was raining lightly in the afternoon and most birds disappeared from the scene. Then the rain lightened to a drizzle, then to a light drizzle. Suddenly a small group […]
“While waiting for our car at the workshop this morning my wife and I observed a small flock of Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus malaccensis) feeding on the Axonopus compressus […]
“Spotted this Eurasian Tree-sparrow (Passer montanus malaccensis) who caught a large flying insect prey in our garden. It was careful to kill the insect and remove the head before taking […]
“I found the Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus saturates) in Sandakan quite interesting in a number of aspects. They appeared to be wilder, but then Borneo as a whole has […]
“One of my favourite birds is the Eurasian Tree-sparrow (Passer montanus malaccensis). “Here seen having a juicy bite (above) and then a nice bath (below).” Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS Ipoh, […]
“I was passing by the Eco-Lake at the Botanic Gardens this afternoon at about 2 pm. The lake seems to have filled up nicely after the drought earlier this year, […]
On 20th March 2014 that was World Sparrow Day, BESG posted an article highlighting the reluctance of local birdwatchers to observe the common Eurasian Tree-sparrow (Passer montanus) LINK. Because of […]
“Although it is nice to see an uncommon bird (like the Malaysian Partridge), I find what fascinates me is watching the behaviour of all birds, including common ones. My wife […]
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