Dwarf Honey Bee: 1. Colony; 2. What happens when it rains?; 3. Bees have absconded; 4. A piece of damaged comb; 5. Invasion of Wax Moth. About five weeks after […]
Dwarf Honey Bee: 1. Colony; 2. What happens when it rains?”; 3. Bees have absconded; 4. A piece of damaged comb. A white larva of about 20 mm long (above) […]
Dwarf Honey Bee: 1. Colony; 2. What happens when it rains?”. Less than a week after the colony of Dwarf Honey Bee (Apis andreniformis) colony was detected on a branch […]
Dwarf Honey Bee: 1. Colony The Dwarf Honey Bee (Apis andreniformis) builds its colony in the open, usually round a twig in a bush or small tree. In this instance […]
In late September 2008, my helper Estela Acierto pointed out a colony of bees gathering around a branch of the Golden Penda tree (Xanthostemon chrysanthus) fronting my house. The colony […]
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