Clouded Monitor

YC Wee
on 24th November 2016

I am happy to declare that another wildlife appeared in my garden recently. Not sure whether it will take permanent residency or will be visiting the garden regularly to forage. […]

YC Wee
on 23rd June 2016

“On the 21st April 2016, a mature Clouded Monitor (Varanus nebulosus) made its commanding presence felt as it dominated over a generous bed of leaf litter, furiously flicking out its […]

YC Wee
on 5th July 2014

Johnny Wee encountered a Clouded Monitor (Varanus nebulosus) in Singapore’s Venus Drive in May 2014 (above). Clamped tight in its mouth was a Banded Bullfrog (Kaloula pulchra). The bullfrog was […]


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