Brown Anole

LW Teo
on 28th April 2023

On 12 February 2023, Andy Chew visited Gardens by the Bay while some family members went shopping. Below is Andy Chew’s account of his encounter with a Brown Anole, Anolis […]

LW Teo
on 23rd March 2022

Protagonist 1: Long-tailed shrike, Lanius schach, the predator. Protagonist 2: Brown anole, Anolis sagrei, the prey. Long-tailed shrike, Lanius schach Family Laniidae 25-28 cm long resident in Singapore. Also found […]

YC Wee
on 19th December 2015

In June 2014 we posted a new exotic lizard from the neotropics that found its way into Singapore. Visit the Gardens by the Bay and chances are that you will […]

YC Wee
on 22nd June 2014

“The Brown Anole is a small brown lizard from the Carribean (Anolis sagrei) recently introduced to Singapore, most likely by being unintentionally brought in with plants for Gardens by the […]


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