It is common to witness courtship feeding prior to copulation in birds LINK. Humans may construe this as sexual bribery LINK, but is this so? It has been suggested that […]
Recently a large Malayan Water Monitor (Varanus salvator) trespassed into an area in Punggol where a group of Blue-throated Bee-eaters (Merops viridis) were nesting. This triggered more than 10 bee-eaters […]
“Saw a pair of adult Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis viridis) in the city, one of which had beak damage (below). “The terminal point of both mandibles is broken off, especially […]
Jack Lai’s images of the Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis) flying with an egg between its mandibles (above) is another BICA-moment (LINK). This bee-eater flew to a grassy plot, dropped the […]
“We typically watch Blue-throated Bee-eaters (Merops viridis) either in flight or perched upon branches, but the chance to observe one at ground level is rather rare (above). “At a secluded […]
“The Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis viridis) caught the butterfly in mid-air, possibly a Dark Brand Bush Brown (Mycalesis mineus) butterfly. Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia 3rd October 2016 […]
Most photographs of bee-eaters show them catching and manipulating a dragonfly for swallowing. Others show them with a bee between their mandibles. Johnny Wee’s image of a Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops […]
“It was a warm afternoon on 31st August 2015, and some Blue-throated Bee-eaters (Merops viridis) sought relief from the heat with quick dips upon the surface of a nearby pond. […]
Johnny Wee’s image of a Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis) with a bee clamped between its bill is as refreshing as that of a spiderhunter catching a spider LINK. Because of […]
We first encountered William Tan‘s two images below of a Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis) casting a pellet HERE and decided to make them available to a wider audience. He captured […]
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