
YC Wee
on 12th September 2006

On 23rd June 2006, photographer HP Lim came across a pair of Chestnut-bellied Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus sumatranus), each with a large hairy caterpillar between its beak. The birds were swinging the […]

YC Wee
on 29th June 2006

I was out photographing the nesting of a pair of Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum) when I noticed localised movements in the backgtound. On closer look, I saw a bluish bird […]

YC Wee
on 1st June 2006

Barbets are stout birds with a prominent bill and bright, colourful plumage. Another characteristic feature is the prominent nasal and rictal bristles. They nest and probably also roost in tree […]

YC Wee
on 26th May 2006

We are used to seeing mynas hovering around grasscutters or even garbage disposal people. But to see one around a horse? Or chasing the horse when it gallops around the […]

YC Wee
on 23rd February 2006

Caterpillars are regularly eaten by birds. However, most birds avoid the noxious ones, especially those that are brightly coloured and hairy. Cuckoos (Cuculidae) specialise on caterpillars as these are their […]

YC Wee
on 12th January 2006

“A termite hatch happens when a new generation, with wings, departs their old colony and disperse in search of a new area to begin a fresh colony. This happens when […]

YC Wee
on 5th January 2006

The following is an account that I wrote up in the late 1980s, and came across recently when sorting out old papers. Working in my study in the late afternoon […]


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