The Black-throated Sunbird (Aethopyga saturata wrayi) is a very common bird in the highlands with a wide diet range. Above is a male and below shows a male with a […]
Post 1. Observed a family unit of three Black-thighed Falconet (Microhierax fringillarius) in the early morning preening with intermittent aerial sallies to catch prey. The birds were back-lit which made […]
I have been very busy supporting COVID-19 prevention activities and not had the time to post any observations these past 2 months. Our lockdown has been partially relaxed this week […]
I was able to get out today, further afield and watched a number of migratory Oriental Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus orientalis), common at this wetland site. Many birds were actively feeding […]
An adult male Greater Green Leafbird (Chloropsis sonnerati zosterops) was foraging in a Rain Tree (Samanea saman) at the edge of the forest reserve at about 6-7 meters up. It […]
The above is a Chestnut-headed Bee-eater (Merops leschenaulti leschenaultia) with a male Striped Albatross butterfly (Appias libythea). The above is another Chestnut-headed Bee-eater possibly with the Asian Honey Bee (Apis […]
“Hard to say this Arctic Warbler is Phylloscopus borealis, examinandus or xanthodry as no vocalisation heard. “It was foraging for insects and caught a spider. “Was taking advantage of the […]
White-breasted Woodswallow (Artamus leucorynchus amydrus) are ubiquitous in the East Malaysian cities of Borneo. In West Malaysia they were in the past confined to the coastal regions of Perak and […]
White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis perpulchra) with a cricket or roach-like prey. Amar-Singh HSS (Dato’ Dr) Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia Location: Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia Habitat: Urban environment Date: 3rd September […]
“Wells (2007) mentions that, for my region, the diet of this bird, Everett’s White-eye (Zosterops everetti tahanensis) is ‘hardly known’ but ‘behaves as a generalist’. I am taking the opportunity […]
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