In the past I would have considered frugivory by the Oriental Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis as uncommon or even rare. But in the recent 20-30 years I have seen quite a number of fruit feeding episodes to consider it a fairly common part of their diet.
On 16 January 2025 at a forest location in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia I saw a pair feeding on the fruit of the Macaranga peltata (see images). I also saw Pin-striped Tit-Babblers Mixornis gularis feeding on the same fruit.

List of fruit items I have seen the Oriental Magpie-Robin feed on:
1. Macaranga peltata – fruit taken from the tree.
2. Pipturus argenteus (Australian Mulberry) – fruit taken from the tree.
3. Glochidion obscurum – fruit taken from the ground and the tree (common food item).
4. Macaranga gigantea (Giant Mahang) – fruit taken from the ground.
5. Pithecellobium dulce (Madras Thorn) – fruit taken from the tree.
6. Ficus villosa (a creeping ficus) – fruit taken from the vine.
Note that Wells (2007) only reports animal/insect prey. Robinson (1927) say that ‘food is almost completely insectivorous, but spiders and worms are sought for, and in captivity … bananas are readily devoured.” Phillipps (2014) says of the Borneo race that “… also eats berries in trees’. Collar et al (2020) states that it feeds “..also on nectar …. and seeds and fallen wild fruit”.