Aggressive behaviour of the Long-billed Corella towards a Torresian Crow

on 11th April 2024

Recently I witnessed an aggressive behaviour of the Long-billed Corella (Cacatua tenuirostris) towards a Torresian Crow (Corvus orru). The Long-billed Corella was defending a piece of wood from the crow. I have seen different birds fighting for a prey but it was something new for me to witness two species fighting for a piece of wood. I initially thought there might be grubs inside the wood but after examining the wood I saw no grubs. They weren’t looking for any insects inside the wood
but simply chipping the wood with their beaks. The social Long-billed Corella had its own flock for
help but the Torresian Crow was all by himself but still wanted the wood. All this happened at the University of Queensland grounds.

Image 1: Long-billed Corella and Torresian crow wanting the wood.
Image 2: The Long-billed Corella spreading its wings for exhibiting dominance.
Image 3: The Long-billed Corella in “attack” mode.
Image 4: At last on the wood and chipping it.
Image 5: Continued chipping while showing superiority.
Image 6: Aggressive and defending the wood.
Image 7: Long-billed Corella, the Champion!

Throughout my observation for almost 30 minutes, the Torresian Crow was submissive and did not get to chip the wood for himself. Fighting over nothing? Long-billed Corellas are known for chewing on wood, wires and asphalt to maintain the health and condition of their beaks. Was the Torresian Crow exhibiting mischievous behaviour?

Irene Royal

Brisbane, Australia

20 January 2024

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