Plantain squirrel (Callosciurus notatus) gnawing on bark

on 4th October 2021

The following videos show the plantain squirrels feeding by gnawing on tree barks and then chewing away. Are they feeding on ant larvae, ants, insects hiding under the bark or chewing the soft inner bark which may have pieces of phloem? Phloem tissues are found just beneath the bark and transport sugars manufactured in the leaves during the process of photosynthesis.  The sugars are transported from the leaves to the roots so the roots can obtain a supply of sugars for cell respiration.

Photo 1 Callosciurus notatus (plantain squirrel) gnawing on tree bark at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. Video grab.
Photo 2 A Callosciurus finlaysonii also seen gnawing on bark. Singapore 9 October 2019. Courtesy of Johnny Wee.

Video by Seow-Choen showing a plantain squirrel tearing off pieces of bark. September 2021. Singapore



Video by Wong Kais showing plantain squirrel gnawing on tree bark. Are furrows in front view the handiwork of the squirrel?


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