“Last night at about 7.15pm I heard some parakeets in the Rambutan Tree (Nephalium lappaceum) outside my flat window. It was dark already and I tried to take some shots but the photos were dark.
“Today 27th December at about 1.15pm I was looking out of my window and saw a couple of the Red-breasted parakeets (Psittacula alexandri) feeding on the rambutans (above, below).
“Most of the fruits have been taken (below), the parakeets using their beaks to break away the top half of the fruit, then pulling out the whole fruit and then feed on it. I managed to get in some shots before the birds flew away. This rambutan tree has been around for a number of years, bearing some fruits and it was the first time I saw the parakeets feeding on the rambutans.
“I hope to photograph parakeets feeding on the Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) seeds but that will take a whole lot of luck!”
Francis Lim
27th December 2018