Javan Mynas (Acridotheres javanicus) are gregarious and noisy. They are also quarrelsome, often involving in noisy fights when the noise level increases exponentially. It is common to encounter such noisy fights in our urban areas LINK, that usually attract curious onlookers.
Gan Cheong Weei’s video clip documented five individuals involved in a fierce fight. There were two pairs of mynas actually fighting. The fifth myna was probably a recently fledged juvenile accompanying one of the pairs. This juvenile was mainly a spectator, following the fight by not joining in.
The two pairs fought a fierce fight, flying low as well as rolling on the ground. The aggressor would grab its opponent’s feet with its “talons” and forced the bird to the ground. This allowed the aggressor to rain its sharp bill from a position of advantage. The victim on the ground would try hard to reverse the situation.
When one of the pairs flew off in defeat, it was a fight of two against one. Obviously the single myna was at a disadvantage and flew off at the first opportunity. The victors with the juvenile in tow flew off in pursuit.
Gan Cheong Weei
5th November 2018