“Whenever I ask around for the location for the Red-crowned Barbet (Megalaima rafflesii), almost all the replies referred me to the coffee tree (Canthium glabrum: Kopi Utan, Green Coffee) LINK. However I did not know the exact location of this tree. After asking friends and fellow birders, I got the location and decided to go down and take a look at this famous tree but was still unsure which was the actual tree.

“Then came May when I heard the coffee tree was fruiting. I went that morning, but before I could see the tree it started to rain heavily. So I spent the whole morning sitting in the shelter waiting for the rain to stop. Finally, the rain stopped after 3 hours. The workers there had ended their shift and went home. I walked alone to look for the tree but at the very end of the road I saw a monkey running towards me so I backed off and went home.

“The next morning I got my husband to accompany me. We walked along the road, passed the coffee tree and reached the end of the road where we met 3 familiar birders. Suddenly the Red-crowned Barbet flew in and started to peck at the rotting portion of a tree trunk, creating an enlarge opening in the dead tree trunk (below).
“The barbet was hard working, pecking all the time. It entered the cavity to remove the pieces of wood inside (below). In all, it took about an hour to complete the job, taking only two breaks in between.
“Did this barbet chose to chisel the cavity after the rain as it might be easier to do so? He did not choose the correct location on the trunk as you can see there is a long crack leading to the opening. This will allow the rain to seep inside the cavity.
“Finally, this Red-crowned Barbet abandoned this nesting cavity.
“I did not return to the site. Warning, I saw 15 monkeys passing us during the time when we were there. Wild boars may be sighted, besides snake.
MeiLin Khoo
29th June 2018
NOTE: The barbets will most likely return to nest in the next few days. They may encounter an intruder. If so, there will be a battle for the nesting cavity.
This post is a cooperative effort between Birds, Insects N Creatures Of Asia and BESG to bring the study of birds and their behaviour through photography and videography to a wider audience.