“I saw the very beautiful male Golden Bush-robin (Tarsiger chrysaeus chrysaeus) at very close range but could not get sharp images as it was in a thicket.
“It was making calls frequently as it foraged.
“Above and below are edited audio recordings with sonograms and waveforms of the male calls, with possible female responses below. The calls are soft and you need to be close to hear them. The primary call I heard was a sharp call, used as a contact call.
“Clement & Rose (Robin and Chats, Helm Identification Guides, 2015) describe this as a ‘seet’. While Collar (Golden Bush-robin in Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive 2017) describes them as ‘chit-t-it’. The second call I heard was, what I think, a female response to the male and can be heard in Post 2. Clement & Rose (2015) describe it as some sounding like the winding up of a clockwork toy while Collar (2017) says is a “soft rattling ‘trrr’rr’”.
“Longer recordings possible on request.”
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
9th November 2017
Location: Thoolakharka (also known as Australian Base Camp), Gandaki Zone, Western Region, Nepal, at 2050m ASL
Habitat: Secondary growth surrounded by primary forest