“On 4th December 2015, a hot and hungry Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) was perched on a high branch, fervently scanning its surroundings for potential prey (above). When a target was eventually acquired, it leaned its head forward to lock on to its prey (below), before launching an aerial strike.
“A video clip of this bee-eater actively scanning the horizon may be previewed here:
“Shortly after, it returned to the same perch with a live giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) struggling in its beak (below). With skillful dexterity, the venomous sting of this bee was swiftly disarmed prior to ingestion.
“A video clip of this bee-bashing and swallowing session may be previewed here: “
Dr. Leong Tzi Ming
14th January 2016