Singapore’s Sunday Times of 9th August 2015 carried an article entitled “Saving Sungei Buloh” – LINK. It gave a new version of how the Nature Society succeeded in persuading government to set aside a piece of mangroves for a bird sanctuary more than 20 years ago.
I am in total agreement with the sub-caption “A feather in the cap of Nature Society, whose hard work to get area conserved succeeds.” Everything else projected in the article is questionable.
I am therefore happy that Subaraj Rajathurai, a wildlife consultant and nature guide of 34 years, has written to the Sunday Times to set the records straight. Read the letter HERE.
The man behind Sungei Buloh is Mr Richard Hale. In July 1986 he had just returned to Singapore after an absence of many years. An avid birder, he spent his weekends exploring the rural areas observing birds. In one of his jaunts he stumbled upon this particular patch of mangroves (above, 1991 scene). What amazed him were the thousands of migratory birds that were there to refuel before continuing their journey back to their breeding grounds in the north.
Richard then knew of no birdwatchers until he met up with Dr Christopher Hails who was with the then Parks and Recreation Department working to bring back wildlife to the urban areas.
Through Christopher, Richard was introduced to the Nature Society’s birdwatchers. Only then did these birdwatchers get to know of the richness of Sungei Buloh.
A small group that included Clive Briffett, Dr Hails, Dr Ho Hua Chew, Dr Rexon Ngim and Subaraj then worked for months to produce a brochure, giving details of the birdlife, pointing to the educational value and suggesting how the area could be managed. Copies were sent to major decision makers in government including the Prime Minister and President.
Richard had the personal contacts as the then Director and CEO of HSBC Singapore. And through his behind the scene lobbying as well as successfully persuading key personnel to visit the site, he got the government to respond positively to the Nature Society’s proposal.
Richard was subsequently honoured with the Green Leaf Award (individual category). This was an award given to organisations and individuals who made outstanding contributions to environmental protection and preservation.
YC Wee
August 2015
1. Briffett, C. (2004). The genesis of Sungei Buloh. Nature Watch 12(5):5-9.
2. Hale, R., Subharaj, S., Ngim, R., Ho, H.C., Briffett, C. & Hails, C. (1987). A proposal for a nature conservation area at Sungei Buloh. Malayan Nature Society (Singapore).
3. Wee, Y.C. & R. Hale, 2008. The Nature Society (Singapore) and the struggle to conserve Singapore’s nature areas. Nature in Singapore 1: 41-49.
4 responses
Interesting to know.
We are truly indebted to these fine nature lovers for their courage and efforts in preseving this valuable wetland for nature and our citizens. Our lives are so much richer now thanks to them.
Whether the claim of credit is the result of fading memory or other reasons I do not know. But there is a similar story about the Botanic Garden
I beg to differ, Chong Hong. I had close contacts with the Gardens then. Before: It was run as a PARK, research was in the doldrums, emphasis was on greening the city, and yes the herbarium was up for sale. After: It became a real GARDENS with research, new attractions, the whole works. More dynamic, whereas previously it was on a maintenance mode.
Sungei Buloh is a different kettle of fish. The Sunday Times article gave the impression that the person interviewed was the main player, maybe as Chong Hong says, due to “fading memory”? I wish it was so but I doubt it. You cannot steal the thunder from another and get away with it.