“The Purple-naped Sunbird (Hypogramma hypogrammicum nuchale) is known to feed on insects.
“I have previously posted observations of frugivorous behaviour (a poorly recognised behaviour) LINK, LINK and LINK.
“There are no reported observations of nectar feeding. Wells (2007) states ‘I know of no definite area record of nectarivory ….’
“I was able to document a male Purple-naped Sunbird feeding on the nectar of the same tiny flowers [encountered earlier]. A number of feeding episodes were seen.
“Taking images of the actual feeding episodes for both the Purple-naped and Plain Sunbirds was challenging due the rapid nature of the feeding.
“This forest tree varies between 5-8 meters high, has ‘feathery’ green leaves with tiny flowers that are produced on the underside of the slender long branches. I measured the flower at 3mm in length by 2×2 mm at mouth. The tree produces tiny purple berries are favoured by leafbirds and bulbuls.”
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
30th June 2013
Location: Kledang-Sayong Forest Reserve, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Habitat: A trail through mixed secondary & primary jungle of the forest reserve