“I visited Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve yesterday and in the car park observed a Changeable Lizard (Calotes versicolor). I was photographing it when all of a sudden it pounced on something in the leaf litter I had not observed previously.
“It was total chaos for a few seconds and I realised it was another lizard it had ‘attacked’; they thrashed together, the lizard I had seen first on top, and after a while they dis-attached.
“The two lizards sat facing one another and bobbed heads alternately. I realised this must have been a mating display. Just then a large group of people arrived and confronted with the sight of me lying flat on the ground for no apparent reason, became understandably worried that I had fallen.
“By the time I looked up, the second lizard had gone. I continued to observe the first lizard until the group went too close to it and it ran away.”
Tanvi Dutta Gupta LINK
12th April 2015