“Triggered by the recent prolonged dry spell, one of the Yellow Saraca (Saraca thaipingensis) in my condo has bloomed profusely (above).
“This in turn attracted a steady stream of Painted Jezebel (Delias hyparete metarete) to the tree.
“Coincidentally, the commentary about the National Butterfly Campaign LINK inspired me to make a music video featuring Painted Jezebel butterflies dancing around clusters of flowers of the Yellow Saraca tree and taking the nectar of its flowers.
“The video was edited using clips taken on 15th March 2015 at about 8am. The clips were captured with the high speed feature of my camera. The resulting video plays at a slow motion quarter speed.
“Jazz In Paris from the YouTube Audio Library was used for the sound track.
“The video can be viewed below.”
Sun Chong Hong
20th March 2015