For some time now Kennie Pan had been hearing a strange call in the night at different locations in Singapore. Always, the call would come from thick vegetation, like forests in and around Hindhede Nature Park, Mandai Lake Road, Kranji Jetty… HERE.
Whether the night was wet or dry, the call would invariably be heard.
Finally curiosity got the better of Kennie and he recorded the call in an effort to get someone identify it .
According to Nature Consultant Subaraj Rajathurai: “That is the contact call of the Red-legged Crake (Rallina fasciata) (top). This crake has crespecular tendencies and can be active until fairly late at night. It is a woodland species and is a fairly common resident in wooded habitats throughout the island.”
Credits: Kennie Pan (audio), KC Tsang (image) & Subaraj Rajathurai (call ID).