“On the afternoon of 22nd September 2014, a small family of Straw-headed Bulbuls (Pycnonotus zeylanicus) arrived onto the scene as I was strolling along forest edge. They appeared to be in visual search mode and were intently scanning the surrounding vegetation, with hunger in their eyes (above, below).
“It seemed like they were on the lookout for insects that may be hiding amongst the leaves and vines. There also seemed to be some loose association with Plantain Squirrels (Callosciurus notatus) in the vicinity. Perhaps the climbing and jumping activity of the squirrels may startle and dislodge a couple of insects, only to be snapped up by the bulbuls close by.
“A brief video of the Bulbuls foraging may be previewed here:”
Dr. Leong Tzi Ming
14th November 2014