“Was back at this large area that has many ex-mining pools converted into fish farming in a limestone hill environment. Fairly quiet and ‘rural’ with wetlands-like conditions developing in some of the large pools. In this habitat, over the past 3 decades, Yellow Bitterns (Ixobrychus sinensis) have slowly increased in volume while Cinnamon Bitterns (I. cinnamomeus), previously common, have decreased.
“Saw three Yellow Bitterns in a small reed patch of 4×10 meters. The above image shows the bittern foraging for fish. Very patient as bitterns are, but lots of fish here so the picking were easy. The composite above is from a video grab to show the behaviour. Managed to get a short handheld video, but taken at 30-40 meters.”
Dato’ Dr Amar-Singh HSS
Tambun Interior, Perak, Malaysia
Habitat: Fish farming, ex-mining pools, limestone hills nearby
4th August 2012