David Tan wrote on 16th March 2012: “…to add on to the two other past reports of Laced Woodpeckers (Picus vittatus) foraging on the ground LINK 1 and LINK 2, I recently came across a pair of Laced Woodpeckers doing pretty much the same thing while conducting a bird survey in NUS.
“At first only the female was observed from a distance of about 20m pecking away at the ground on a grassy hill bordering a small stretch of secondary forest. Although the female flew off into the undergrowth when I suddenly shifted from my position, it later returned with a male to continue pecking away at the ground. This lasted for quite a few minutes though I didn’t stay to watch the birds fly off.”
David Tan
March 2012
3 responses
Bird watching is one of my hobbies. I use visit different places for bird surveys because I like to watch the activities of birds. But you have given me some more valid reasons like photography to increase my passion towards bird watching.
Photography gives you a permanent record of your sighting. The images also enable the bird, food (plant, animals) and the background vegetation to be identified by specialists later on. At the same time examining the images on the computer provides a better insight on the behaviour, although videos serves the purpose better. Birders should be armed with a camera/video to be more productive. The days of the binoculars is long past.