In response to an earlier post on birds eating leaves (folivory) LINK, Sun Chong Hong sent an image of a Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans) in a sea apple tree (Syzygium grande) with a piece of young leaf in its bill. This is a strong suggestion that the pigeon was eating the leaf.
“The image was captured in the cool morning of 18th November when I saw three of these pigeons flew into the tree from my apartment [in Singapore]. It was quite difficult to observe them because of the distance of about 30m and the leaves that got in the line of sight. In fact I didn’t notice the details until I reviewed it from the PC monitor,” wrote Chong Hong.
Check out our earlier post of a parakeet eating leaves of a mangrove tree LINK.
Sun Chong Hong
Penang, Malaysia
December 2011