Samson Tan was at Singapore’s offshore island of Pulau Ubin some weeks ago when he observed a House Crow (Corvus splendens) perching on a branch of a leafless tree eating a piece of meat (above left). After eating enough, it placed the remaining piece in branch fork, compacting it carefully with its bill to secure it (above right). It then left the scene (below).
Crows and ravens are known to cache food for later. Usually, they hide it in a covered site and return back later to feed on it. Should there be another bird watching, it would return and remove it to another location. In this case, the piece of meat was cached openly, easily seen by other birds and thus stolen. Was the bird inexperienced not to hide it properly?
An earlier post on crows caching fish can be seen HERE.
This post appears courtesy of Samson Tan of Manta’s Experience…”.
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