This site gives an updated list of publications that have direct or indirect relevance to this weblog since its inception in 2005.
Now why publish?
Postings in the weblog make observations readily available to anyone with a computer. However, such postings tend to be rather informal. There is thus a need to compile relevant postings and formally publish them, as far as possible, in scientific journals. Why? These have credibility in terms of scientific content that magazines do not.
The list of papers below is in alphabetical order and will be updated regularly:
Amar-Singh, H.S.S., 2013. Frugivory by spiderhunter Arachnothera species in Peninsular Malaysia. BirdingAsia 20: 76-81.
Banwell, H.M. & J.C.W. Lim, 2009. Observations on a successful nesting of a pair of Oriental pied hornbills (Anthracoceros albirostris, Shaw & Nodd, 1790) at Changi Village, Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 275-281. *
Chan, Y.M., M. Chan & Y.C. Wee, 2008. Aberrant behaviour of a female Great Hornbill and a female Rhinoceros Hornbill. Nature in Singapore 1:31-34. *
Chan, Y.M., K.C. Tsang & Y.C. Wee, 2007. Bird watch: A field guide to the passion for birdwatching in Southeast Asia. AsianGeographic 46(7):62-72.
Chan, Y.M., L.K. Wang & Y.C. Wee, 2007. Jerdon’s Baza Aviceda jerdoni in Singapore. BirdingASIA 8:45-48.
Cheah, J.W.K. & A. Ng, 2008. Breeding ecology of the little tern, Sterna albifrons Pallas, 1764 in Singapore. Nature in Singapore. 1: 69-73. *
Choy, W.M. & Y.C. Wee, 2010. Observations at a mangrove Pitta Pitta megarhyncha nest in peninsular Malaysia. BirdingAsia 14: 30-33.
Deng, S.H., T.K. Lee & Y.C. Wee, 2008. Black-naped terns (Sterna sumatrana Raffles, 1822) mobbing a grey heron (Ardea cinerea Linnaeus, 1758). Nature in Singapore 1: 117-127. *
Lau, Yen & Tsang, K.C. (2006). Up close and personal, observations of Oriental White-eye nesting cycle. Nature Watch 14(4):18-21.
Leong, T.M. & Y.C. Wee, 2013. Observations of pollination in the pigeon orchid, Dendrobium crumenatum Swartz (Orchidaceae) in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 6: 91-96.
Lim, A.T.H., L.K. Wang & Y.C. Wee, 2009. The Blue-eared Barbet Megalaima australis and its gular sac. BirdingASIA 11: 98-101 **
Lim, J.C.W., 2009. First two days in the life of a little tern, Sterna albifrons (Aves: Sternidae). Nature in Singapore 2: 307-310. *
Lok, A.F.S.L., K.T. N. Khor, K.C. Lim & R. Subaraj, 2009. Pittas (Pittidae) of Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 155-165. *
Lok, A.F.S.L., & T.K. Lee, 2008. Brood care of the chestnut-bellied malkoha, Phaenicophaeus sumatranus sumatranus Raffles, 1822. Nature in Singapore 1: 85-92. *
Lok, A.F. S.L. & T.K. Lee, 2009. Barbets of Singapore Part 2: Megalaima haemacephala Latham (Coppersmith barbet), Singapore’s only native, urban barbet. Nature in Singapore 2: 47-54. *
Lok, A.F. S.L., & T.K. Lee & K.C. Lim, 2009. The biology of Otus lempiji cnephaues Deignan, the Sunda scops-owl in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 31-38. *
Lok, A.F.S.L. & R. Subaraj, 2008. Porphyrio porphyrio viridis Begbie, 1834 (Purple swamphen), gem of Singapore’s marshes. Nature in Singapore 1: 219-224. *
Lok, A.F.S.L. & R. Subaraj, 2009. Lapwings (Charadriidae: Vanellinae) of Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 125-134. *
Lok, A.F.S.L., B.S. Tey & R. Subaraj, 2009. Barbets of Singapore Part 1: Megalaima lineata hodgsoni Bonaparte, the lineated barbet, Singapore’s only exotic species. Nature in Singapore 2: 39-45. *
Lok, A.F.S.L., C.J. Yao, Y.B.S. Tey, 2009. Barbets of Singapore Part 3: Forest species, with emphasis on Megalaima refflesii Lesson, the red-crowned barbet. Nature in Singapore 2: 69-76. *
Osuna-Mascaró, A.J. & A.M.I. Auersperg, 2018. On the brink of tool use? Could object combinations during foraging in a feral Goffin’s cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana) result in tool innovations? Animal Behavior and Cognition 5(2): 229–234.
Subaraj, R., 2006. The nuptial flight of termites makes a veritable winged feast. Nature Watch 14(4):10-13.
Subaraj, R. & A.F.S.L. Lok, 2009. Status of the Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 107-113. *
Tang, Philip, 2006. Some observations on the breeding of the Malaysian Plover. Nature Watch 14(4):18-21.
Teo, Allan & Y.C. Wee, 209. Observations at a nest of Malayan Whistling Thrush Myophonus robinsoni in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysa. BirdingASIA 11: 95-97. **
Tsang, K.C., R. Subaraj & Y.C. Wee. 2009. The role of the camera in birdwatching in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 183-191. *
Tsang, K.C., L.K. Wang & Y.C. Wee, 2008. The olive-backed sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis Linnaeus, 1766 and its pectoral tufts. Nature in Singapore 1: 207-210. *
Wang, L.K., M. Chan, Y.M. Chan, G.C. Tan & Y.C. Wee, 2009. Pellet casting by non-raptorial birds of Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 97-106. *
Wee, Y.C., 2005. Look, what came out of the crow’s nests. Nature Watch 13(1):22-25.
Wee, Y.C., 2005. Foraging a closer relationship with Pink-necked Green-pigeons. Nature Watch 13(3):16-22.
Wee, Y.C., 2006. Announcement of a new bird group affiliated to the Nature Society (Singapore). BirdingASIA 5:5.
Wee, Y.C., 2006. Forty years of birding and ornithological research in Singapore. BirdingASIA 5:12-15.
Wee, Y.C., 2008. Anting in Singapore birds. Nature in Singapore, 1:23-25. *
Wee, Y.C., 2009. Observations on the behaviour of the yellow-vented bulbul, Pycnonotus goiavier (Scopoli) in two instances of failed nesting. Nature in Singapore 2: 347-352. *
Wee, Y.C., 2011. Citizen science and the monitoring of hornbills in Singapore. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 24: 23-25.
Wee, Y.C., 2013. Wings of change. Singapore: More than meets the eye. SIF Publication, Sinngapore.
Wee, Y.C., 2018. Observation of a changeable lizard laying eggs. Singpore Biodiversity Records 2018: 70-71
Wee, Y.C., Y.M. Chan & M. Chan, 2012. Feeding regularity and waste disposal by a pair of Red-crowned Barbet Megalaima rafflesii. BirdingAsia 17: 111-114.
Wee Y.C., Y.M. Chan, M. Chan, G. Sreedharan, P. Tang & R. Subaraj, 2006. Battle for nest-holes in urban Singapore. Nature Watch 14(3):6-10.
Wee, Y.C. & R. Hale, 2008. The Nature Society (Singapore) and the struggle to conserve Singapore’s nature areas. Nature in Singapore 1: 41-49. *
Wee, Y.C. & A. Ng, 2008. Life history of the painted jezebel, Delias hyparete Linnaeus, 1758 (Order Lepidoptera). Nature in Singapore 1: 103-108. *
Wee, Y.C. & R. Subaraj, 2005. Of palms and birds. Nature Watch 13(4):7-11.
Wee, Y.C. & R. Subaraj, 2006. Aberrant behaviour of a pair of female Great and Rhinoceros Hornbills in Singapore. BirdingASIA 6:18-22.
Wee, Y.C. & R. Subaraj, 2006. The Bird Ecology Study Group, Nature Society (Singapore): one year on. BirdingASIA 6:6.
Wee, Y.C. & R. Subaraj, 2009. Citizen science and the gathering of ornithological data in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 27-30. *
Wee, Y.C. & K.C. Tsang, 2008. The changing face of birding in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 1: 97-102. *
Wee, Y.C., K.C. Tsang, M. Chan, Y. M. Chan & Angie Ng, 2008. Oriental Pied Hornbill: two recent failed nesting attempts on mainland Singapore. BirdingASIA 9:72-77. **
Wee, Y C., K.C. Tsang & R. Subaraj, 2010. Birding in Singapore and the challenges of the 21st century. Nature in Singapore 3: 53-58. *
Wee, Y.C. & L.K. Wang, 2008. Breeding behaviour of the zebra dove, Geopelia striata (Linnaeus, 1766). Nature in Singapore 1: 75-80. *
Wee, Y.C. & L.K. Wang, 2009. Observations on the in-captivity development of a rescued chick of the striated heron, Butorides striatus (Linnaeus). Nature in Singapore 2: 193-202. *
Please click HERE if you wish to have a PDF copy of any of the above papers published in Nature in Singapore.
Now why do we publish, and in Nature in Singapore?
Nature in Singapore, an on-line scientific journal of the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore, has shown that an article submitted can be uploaded and published within weeks. The manuscript will be reviewed by an ornithologist or someone equally competent and subjected to general editing. An added bonus is that the journal offers PDF copies to whoever is interested. What this means is that there is no need to buy a copy of a journal (as in the case of print media) or request for a reprint or copy from the author.
The eminent field ornithologist and Hon. Bird Curator of the Sarawak Museum, Slim Sreedharan, has, for the last decade or so, been persuading amateur birdwatchers from the region to make observations and publish them, no matter how trivial, so that in time these notes can serve as a useful database on birds of the region.
BESG’s posts and publications strive to make Slim’s call a reality, thanks to the efforts of photographers and birdwatchers.
YC Wee
September 2008
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