In early January, Daniel Koh came across a dead Little Heron (Butorides striatus) dangling at the end of a fishing line that got entangled on a branch of a casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) tree in Punggol Park.
The dead Little Heron apparently swallowed a fish still attached to a hook at the end of a fishing line. An angler must have carelessly disposed his line with a bait fish still attached to the hook and the bird must have swallowed the fish and subsequently the line got entangled onto the branch. Stuck to the hook and dangling on the line, the poor bird slowly died from starvation.
The pond in the park is a designated fishing area and anglers are always there. This is an example of what can happen if fishing lines are indiscriminately disposed of.
Daniel Koh
February 2008
(Image by Daniel Koh and Chan Yoke Meng)
3 responses
Wow how many times can you say poor little bird,some people would not rant that much if a child was hanging there.